Every member of our congregation is a Spiritual Seeker. Their intellectual curiosity, hunger for deeper communion with the Divine, and a desire to connect with fellow seekers in a meaningful, positive way started with their first visit and grew from there.
Some stay to heal from a prior hurt, disillusioned or disenfranchised... others to explore expanded concepts about God. Many desire to better relate to their fellow man through an understanding of the various faith traditions; still others are called to share their gifts and help others.
We offer many experiences to stimulate your spiritual growth beyond our weekly worship service and mingling fellowship:
Self-challenging classes
Support groups, including 12-Steps+
Various interactive activities
Prayer & meditation opportunities
Seasonal rituals
Chanting, music and drumming meet-ups
Thought-provoking book discussions
These all provide a broad basis for deeper understanding of traditional religious thought and trending interspirituality, and how these may be harmonized in our everyday interactions with the Divine.
Our Children's Spiritual Education Program helps them develop their innate spirituality, drawing upon the ethical principles of different faiths. We honor every child’s heritage and roots.
Using "child-sized" practical, spiritual tools they can use in everyday situations, they develop a sense of connectedness to everyone and everything on our planet, as well as the Higher Source, upon whom all life and sustenance depends.
While learning about nature, various cultures, serving others, and celebrating holidays from all religious traditions, you may also find them creating artwork, writing a story, or having a discussion about angels, God, family and compassion. Little lights so shine...may their innocent love light the world!
The Gathering of Light Seminary is currently enrolling a new class of interspiritual ministers.
The curriculum explores multiple facets of spirituality, world religions, counseling, and serving with compassion and integrity, all while cultivating a deeper relationship with the Divine.
At the end of our 30 month program, culminating in ordination, graduates will be able to officiate at weddings, funerals, baptisms/baby blessings and take their place as a full-fledged clergy person recognized by NYS and clerical organizations.